It’s time to sell your beloved family home and move on to bigger and better horizons. We’re here today to help make your living spaces look amazing in photos and videos to help increase the likelihood that your current residence will sell quickly!

Tips For Staging Your Home Part I—The Kitchen
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We’ll start this series off by looking at some tips for staging your kitchen to perfection. Many people consider the kitchen to be the heart of a home since it’s where many families spend the majority of their time together. Because of that, it’s one of the best selling points for houses, so let’s get your kitchen to look perfect.
1. Clean, Clean, Clean
Cleaning is a no-brainer, but when your home is for sale, it’s time to do a deep clean in your kitchen like never before. Scrub out the cabinets and drawers, clean the oven inside and out, purge the fridge and clean that weird brown stain out of the back, wash the countertops and cabinets, mop the floor, and clean between the walls and appliances. You want every inch of your kitchen to shine, glisten, sparkle, and shimmer!
To avoid unwanted odors, take out the garbage, and move any pets or pet furniture. You can toss a lemon peel down the garbage disposal to make sure there are no strange scents wafting up from your pipes as well. Beware of what you cook, because your potential buyers may not have the same tastes as you, so odorous foods like fish should stay off your menu until your home is sold.
2. Organize
As you’re cleaning, take a good look around and notice all the places in your kitchen that are disorganized. If you have junk drawers or cabinets crammed with stuff, then you could be sending a message to potential buyers that there isn’t enough space in your home. It’s very convenient to have a designated junk drawer or drop zone, but it doesn’t look great when you’re staging your kitchen.
Likewise, throw away expired foods in the pantry or fridge that have been taking up space. It’s time to finally put every plate and cup in the correct cupboard, and organize them correctly. A handy way to make your space look great is by organizing items in baskets and containers. This makes your belongings feel unified and it looks great to buyers. Plus, once your home is sold, you can bring the containers along with you and implement beautiful storage right away!
3. Declutter
Anything that constantly sits out on your counters, table, or the top of your fridge should be put away. Even your microwave or spice rack should be moved in order to fully showcase counter space. Anything that isn’t essential to your daily life can be packed away for your new home. In an effort to declutter surfaces, move any charging cords, laptops, and tablets out of sight as well.
If you have a daily schedule or funny paintings from your child on your fridge, then it’s time to place those into a safe file and store them away as well. As cute as they are, they unfortunately aren’t important to your prospective buyers.
In your process of making your Windsor home beautiful, you’ll surely be packing away boxes of decorations and personalizations. Keep them safe at Eagle Crossing Self Storage until you move into your new house. Our friendly staff and climate controlled units are waiting for you. Call today to reserve your own storage space, and be sure to check back in to this blog for our next home staging tips!